Top consulting client

Project Overview

In the ongoing UX support, I aimed to create engaging and innovative web designs to present groundbreaking research in a compelling and accessible format. The goal was to transform complex information into visually appealing and easily understandable content for a broad audience.

My Role

As the Director of Digital Experience, I led the entire project, ensuring all creative phases were delivered efficiently and to a high standard. My responsibilities included managing the UX portion of the project, leading a team of designers, and maintaining extensive client communication. I was heavily involved in concepting, brainstorming, and execution of the designs

Design and Development Process

The design and development process included several key stages: concept exploration, UI design, 3D visualizations, and the final composition of all elements into cohesive and interactive web pages. We followed an Agile methodology, with Monday sprints, morning standups, and Friday presentations and backlog grooming sessions to ensure smooth progress and collaboration.

Key Achievements

One of the major achievements of this project was reaching thousands of users, effectively transforming complex research topics into engaging and comprehensible web content. By maintaining a cross-disciplinary team that worked efficiently, we avoided scope creep and met our deadline for a significant launch. This cohesion and clarity allowed every team member to understand their direction and objectives throughout the project.

User Research and Insights

User research played a crucial role in our design process. We utilized UserBrain for user testing, which provided us with affordable yet actionable feedback. This user-centric approach ensured that our concepts were validated and refined based on real user insights.

Design Solutions

To create visually appealing and engaging web content, we employed generative AI tools like MidJourney to produce initial visuals. These visuals were then customized and enhanced using Sketch and Figma to bring them to life. Managing the numerous content changes throughout the project was challenging, but it was essential to deliver a cohesive final product.

Tools and Technologies

The project leveraged several tools and technologies, including Cinema 4D, After Effects, Premiere, Sketch, Figma, and UserBrain. These tools were instrumental in developing high-quality visuals and interactive elements for the web pages.

Reflection and Learnings

Communication proved to be a key factor in the project's success. Ensuring that all team members and the client were on the same page was crucial for a smooth workflow. Additionally, we prioritized accessibility, considering the global audience for the web content. This involved careful selection of colors, fonts, animations, and culturally sensitive themes and language.

Client and Stakeholder Collaboration

Throughout the project, collaboration with clients and stakeholders was paramount. By maintaining clear and consistent communication, we ensured that everyone involved was aligned and informed, contributing to the project's overall success.


Shoreline Sightseeing